• About Heroes

    Symbiote psa

    Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Symbiotes and was afraid to ask… They’ve come and gone in the limelight of marvel lore, but it seems the symbiotes are quite ‘back’ as of late. The Mighty AND New Avengers are about to encounter a ‘Venom-Virus’ somehow involving Dr. Doom and a New York city chock full ‘o’ those crazy gooey suckers scraping and drooling at our most favorite marvel teamsters, and the self-proclaimed Aboutheroes expert on symbiotes (all of them) is here to lay it all down for you as all-encompassing and nutshell-esque as possible. The symbiote first came to earth after Spider-Man, anybody who’s seen Spidey 3 has a…

  • About Heroes

    It’s Superman Review

    It’s Superman!Where do we place superman in our minds? I for one, and I don’t believe myself to be alone in this, always picture Superman growing up in my life, watching his choices as a young Clark Kent as a foil to my own, stating that if I was a better man, I would have done what Superman would have done. I when a rare occasion I feel as though my deeds would honor the man of steel, a man without a flashlight, I feel as my pride could stop bullets. He’s the icon, the image, the man who came not from our world yet exemplifies all that it is…

  • Marvel

    Ultimate Spider-Man # 106-108 Review

    This Review was submitted by Spider-benUltimate Spider-Man #106-108“Ultimate Knights” Parts 1-3Writer: Brian Michael BendisPenciller: Mark Bagley Bagley’s last arc on Ultimate Spidey starts here. While I’m sad as can be to see him go, he sure is going out with a bang. The story starts off with MJ and Peter back together and completely happy. Aunt May still wants to have a heart to heart with Peter, but he insists it wait until she is out of the hospital. Peter takes MJ to the Fantastic Four to run some follow up tests, making sure she is alright from being injected with the OZ formula during the clone saga. Everything turns…

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  • Marvel

    Marvel Zombies #1-5 Review

    4-21-06Marvel Zombies #1-5Writer: Robert KirkmanArtist: Sean PhillipsCovers: Arthur Suydam Looking to embark on a surreal adventure? Tired of the clichéd “hero vs. villain” comic book brawls? Have a craving for something decayed? Well, if you answered yes to the above look no further than “Marvel Zombies!” This five part mini series spins out of the Ultimate Fantastic Four “Crossover” story arc. In the “Crossover” story, Ultimate Reed discovered a parallel world full of Marvel Zombies. He barely escaped with the help of Magneto, who destroyed the machine and was left facing a world full of monsters. Where does the story go from here? Well, Robert Kirkman knew. Kirkman is famous…

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  • About Heroes


    Finally after 9 series, Toybiz took a hint that accessories weren’t cutting it. They took into account that including Howard the Duck in the package was not going to make people buy more Silver Surfers. Is there any better way to get fans to buy unwanted figures then to stick a piece of a figure everybody wants in the packaging? Probably not, this was a sure way that fans of Galactus were going to buy Deathlock or War Machine. In order to complete Galactus collectors had to buy: Professor X, Nightcrawler, Bullseye, Dr. Strange, War Machine, Deathlock and first appearance Hulk. So the chances of someone, other than the completist,…